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Career Quotes for Success fullfill your Dreams

To achieve your Individual goals related to career one need to follow a sequence of activities and actions called Career Planning, which is a life long process. Your Career Goals should be with respect to your Personality, purpose, your choice of interests that you like the most, your skills (Evaluate your skills regularly and update according to the requirements ) and the talents you possess.Your Career Plan should be a Flexible one where you can able to accomodate for change.
Invest More time and Discover Yourself Choose the Right Career that you love and fits well given a number of choices available so early in your Life . Have a advice from Parents, Teachers, Friends, etc,. Be clear about your goals and identify and build your skills. If your career goal is to become a Software Engineer, Doctor, Investment Banker, Chartered Accountant, Bank Probationary Officer, Lawyer, Business Development Manager, Journalist, Musician,etc,. then stick to that particular choice of your Career goal and Be focussed on it, identify your strengths and weakness, develop a proper plan, put forth all your efforts, work hard, try to improve your skills, utilize the available resources effectively to achieve the Success and fullfill your dreams.
Begin your Job Search a part of your Career Plan Start your career. Some of the Skills that an employer expects from you is Communication Skills, Personality Development, Technical Skills, etc,. Develop the art of Communication. Develop Good Resume and prepare well for the Interview. Be confident of success in Job. In an Organizaton be an Active Member and effectively contribute in the Team to yield good results. Avoid criticism towards others in the Team. Team Work in an Organization Leads to Success.
T - Tools
E - Experience
A - Authorisations
M - ManPower
W - What Else
O - Orders and Instructions
R - Requirements
K - Knock it off
E - Experience
A - Authorisations
M - ManPower
W - What Else
O - Orders and Instructions
R - Requirements
K - Knock it off
Career Quotes:
1. Jatin Goyal : A Great Career without a Great Education is only a Dream. We are Nothing but just helping you to realize your Dream. Smart Success.
2. Robert Frost Career Quote: "The difference between a job and a career is the difference between forty and sixty hours."
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3. Korean Proverb : Aim high in your career but stay humble in your heart.
4. Dorit Sher : "Your Career is your business. It's time for you to manage it as a CEO."
5. Micheal Hammer : "A successful career will no longer be about promotion. It will be about mastery."
6. Barbara Olson : He decided to plunge on with pardons over the department's objections, or where he knew that there would be objections if he had let career prosecutors know what he was doing.
7. Thomas Jefferson : "Some people dream of Success while others wake up and work hard at it."
8. Chip Kidd : Design is a response to a specific problem. You are given a problem to solve, and then you let the problem itself tell you what your solution is.
9. C.S.Lewis : "The Homemake has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only and that is to support the ultimate career."
10. Passion is the difference between having a job or having a carer.
11. Elisabeth Sussman Career quote: Since Keith in the early part of his career worked on the streets and on construction sites and everywhere was a surface for his art, we wanted to give some of that sort of urban street flavor to the exhibition.
12. Aristotle : First have a definite clear practical ideal; a goal, an objective.
Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends; wisdom, money, materials, and methods.
Third adjust all your means to that end.
13. George Bernard shaw : He knows nothing and he thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career.
14. Ann Romney : My Career Choice was to be a Mother.
15. Larry Nixon Career Quotes: I had a great career with BASS, but they need to change some of their rules. I just can't compete in that many events. My shoulders won't take it. They are just wore out from 29 years of fishing tournaments, a billion casts, and years of guiding before that.
16. Micheal Jordan Career Quotes : I have missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I have been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.
17. Paul Rogers : Obviously I have played my best career basket ball as Perth Wildcat and I have got a proud history with this club, I really think that we have got an exciting potential this year and there is a definite hunger within the playing group.
18. David Roberts : I am faintly disturbed that this has turned into instant uplift. You would hate to see him turn his life into a career of telling the same story that resulted from an accident.
19. Fyodor Dostoyevsky : Inventors and Geniuses have almost always been looked on as no better than fools at the beginning of their career, and very frequently at the end of it also.
20. Gene Tierney quote on Career : About my career I was Serious and Earnest, sometimes impatient.
21. Jessica Savitch Career Quote : It had not occurred to me that marriage requires the same effort as a career. And unlike a career, marriage requires a joint effort.
22. Jurgen Appelo : Your Career is your own responsibility. Your employer is not your mother.
23. Justin Timberlake Career Quotes: My Career decisions have nothing to do with my personal life.
24. Linda Eyre : Parenting, when it is pursued seriously and thoughtfully, is not only life's most important career, but its most joyful and fulfilling career.
25. Lorna Luft : A career is all very well, but no one lives by work alone.
26. Michel Patini on Career: I gave everything in my career so I have no regrets at all.
27. Preston Sturges : The most incredible thing about my career is that I had one.
28. Ray Romano : My career has been my craziest Adventure.
29. Richard Green : This is my choosen career and that's the place I would just love to get to. It would be a shame to not play there at some stage in your life, that's for sure.
30. Rod Stewart : Listen, if my career was to end tomorrow, I would have no complaints whatsover.
31. Stendhal : Your Career will be a painful one. I divine something in you which offends the vulgar.
32.Confucius : Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. -
33. Jack Wild : I look at what I have gone through in my career and I really shouldn't be talking to you now. I should be dead ten times over.34. Maria sharapova Career quotes on Tennis: "A Great tennis Career is something that a 15 year old normally doesn't have. I Hope my example helps other teens believe they can accomplish things they never thought possible."
35. Paul D.Boyer : "An unexpected benefit of my Career in BioChemistry has been Travel."
36. Donald Kendall : The only place where Success comes before work is in the dictionary.
37. Ray Bradbury : The answer to all writing, to any career for that matter is love.
38. Career Quotes by Steve Jobs: Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the Heart, you will know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don't Settle.
39. Conrad Hilton : "Success seems to be connected with action. Successful People keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit."
40. Tiffani Amber Thiessen : "I really don't have a career plan. I like being challenged and thrown around. But it's only acting."
41. Vanessa Lawrence : "Employees no longer come to companies for life. They join for experience with a career plan already in mind; they are taking control themselves.
42. Ralph Fiennes : "I don't plan a career. That doesn't work for me. I just have to go with my gut.
43. Nick Johnson : "I don't plan on going back to legal work. I wanted an international career, and finance seemed to be where some interesting career opportunities were.
Also Read:
1. Hard Work Quotes for Success
2. Steve Jobs Quotes
3. Quotes about Stress
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