Edward de bono six thinking hats

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Edward de bono six thinking hats

Six Thinking Hats by Edward de Bono:

Each thinking Hat  has its own and different style of thinking which are explained below:

1. White Hat thinking:  This one focus on facts and figures, looks for the data and information that is available. All you need to do is see and learn from it. This Thinking hat  looks for gaps in your knowledge and either try to fill them or take account of them. 
2. Red Hat thinking: One in six thinking hats, this one  focuses on expression of feelings and emotions. Also try to think how other people will react emotionally. Try to understand the response of people who do not fully know your reasoning.

six thinking hats
3. Black Hat thinking: One in six thinking hats, this style focuses on problems and difficulties and tells one need to look at all the bad points of the decision, cautiously and defensively. Try to see why it might not work which highlights the weak points in a plan and in turn enables you to eliminate them, alter them or prepare plan to counter them. This method helps to make your plans tougher and more resilient and helps you to identify fatal flaws and risks before you proceed for a course of action.

4. Yellow Hat Thinking: One of the method in six thinking Hats, this style of  helps you to think positively when every thing looks gloomy and difficult. It is also the optimistic view point which helps you to see all the benefits of the decision and the value in it.

5. Green Hat Thinking: The term Green Hat stands for Creativity  and assists you to  develop solutions to a problem in a more creative way by making use of creativity tools. In this process of Green Hat thinking, There is little scope for criticism to new ideas.

6. Blue Hat Thinking: The Blue Hat stands for Process Control focuses on managing the thinking process, focus on next course of action, and action plans.

Your Mind is your most precious asset. You must be continually working to increase the quality of your thinking and sharpen your skills

Edward de Bono :

Edward de Bono was born in Malta on 19 May 1933 is a author, consultant,Maltese physician, author and inventor. From the University of Malta, he achieved Medical Degree.De Bono is the Originator of Six Lateral Thinking, Thinking Hats and Direct Attention Thinking Tools.Professor Edward de Bono studied at St. Edward's College, Malta and later was a Rhodes Scholar at Christ Church, Oxford, in England where he gained an MA in psychology and physiology.He obtained PhD degree and a DPhil in medicine from Trinity College, Cambridge.

He achieved A DDes (Doctor of Design) from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and an LLD from the University of Dundee. He held faculty appointments at the universities of Oxford, Cambridge, London and Harvard.

He is a professor at Malta, Pretoria, Central England and Dublin City University also holds the Da Vinci Professor of Thinking chair at University of Advancing Technology in Tempe, Arizona, USA. Also he was one of the 27 Ambassadors for the European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009.

Edward de Bono written 57 books which are translated into 34 languages also he taught his thinking methods to government agencies, corporate clients, individuals and organizations, privately or publicly in group sessions. He has started to set up the World Center for New Thinking and Peace Studies, based in Malta, which he describes as a "kind of intellectual Red Cross".

In 1995, he created the futuristic documentary film, 2040: Possibilities by Edward de Bono, a lecture designed to prepare an audience of viewers released from a cryogenic freeze for contemporary (2040) society. Schools from over 20 countries have included de Bono's thinking tools into their curriculum.

Edward de Bono was also nominated for the 2001 Nobel Prize for Economics.Also advised and lectured at board level at many of the world's leading corporations.

He published "The Edward de Bono Code Book" in 2000. De Bono also written numerous articles and journals which are published and refereed.
Below are the Partial list of books by de Bono:
    The Use of Lateral Thinking
    New Think (1967, 1968)
    The Five-Day Course in Thinking (1968),
    The Mechanism of the Mind (1969),
    Lateral Thinking: Creativity Step by Step, (1970),
    The Dog-Exercising Machine (1970)
    Technology Today (1971)
    Practical Thinking (1971)
    Lateral Thinking for Management (1971)
    Po: A Device for Successful Thinking (1972),
    Children Solve Problems (1972)
    Po: Beyond Yes and No (1973),
    Eureka!: An Illustrated History of Inventions from the Wheel to the Computer (1974)
    Teaching Thinking (1976)
    The Greatest Thinkers: The Thirty Minds That Shaped Our Civilization (1976),
    Wordpower: An Illustrated Dictionary of Vital Words (1977)
    The Happiness Purpose (1977)
    Opportunities : A handbook for business opportunity search (1978)
    Future Positive (1979)
    Atlas of Management Thinking (1981)
    De Bono's Course in Thinking (1982)
    Learn-To-Think: Coursebook and Instructors Manual with Michael Hewitt-Gleeson de Saint-Arnaud (1982),
    Tactics: The Art and Science of Success (1985)
    Conflicts: A Better Way to Resolve them (1985)
    Masterthinker's Handbook (1985)
    Six Thinking Hats (1985)
    I Am Right, You Are Wrong: From This to the New Renaissance: From Rock Logic to Water Logic (1991)
    Six Action Shoes (1991)
    Handbook for the Positive Revolution (1991)
    Serious Creativity: Using the Power of Lateral Thinking to Create New Ideas (1992)
    Sur/Petition (1992)
    Parallel thinking: from Socratic thinking to de Bono thinking (1994)
    Teach Yourself How to Think (1995)
    Textbook of Wisdom (1996)
    How to Be More Interesting (1998)
    Simplicity (1999)
    New Thinking for the New Millennium (1999)
    Why I Want To Be King of Australia (1999)
    How to Have A Beautiful Mind (2004)
    Six Value Medals (2005)
    H+ (Plus): A New Religion (2006)
    How to Have Creative Ideas (2007)
    Free or Unfree? : Are Americans Really Free? (2007)
    Six Frames For Thinking About Information (2008)
    Think! Before It's Too Late (2009)

Image Source:
1. http://www.debonoforschools.com/Six_Hats_Summary_card01.jpg

-This article is prepared by Veera. Thank you.

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