AP ICET 2014 Notification

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AP ICET 2014 Notification

ICET 2014 entrance exam dates announced by The Andhra Pradesh State Council for Higher Education (APSCHE), Hyderabad and is conducted by Kakatiya University, Warangal on behalf of APSCHE.
ICET 2014 Notification

(ICET abbreviation is Integrated Common Entrance Test.)

The AP ICET Entrance Exam is conducted for the admission to full time / part-time / evening / distance mode Master of Computer Application (MCA) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) courses of all the universities in Andhra Pradesh and their affiliated colleges commencing in 2014-15.

Some of the important Dates need to be remembered are as follows:

Online registration for AP ICET 2014 will starts from 14th February 2014. (ICET online application is available from the official website)

ICET 2014 exam date: 23rd May 2014.

ICET 2014 Results Declaration: June 9, 2014.

Exam Pattern: The ICET question paper contains multiple choice objective type test with 200 questions. It is divided into three sections and the exam must be completed within 150 minutes.

The three sections are:
Analytical Ability: 75 questions
Mathematical Ability: 75 questions
Communication Ability: 50 questions.

General Eligible Qualification ICET:

-Candidate should have completed 21 years of age.
- For MBA one need to possess Bachelors Degree in any discipline with minimum 50% marks from any recognised University.
-For MCA also one need to complete bachelors degree and studied mathematics as one of the subjects at Intermediate Level or 10 + 2 Level.

 "To achieve, is to work hard. Work Hard and Priorities right. Do things in right order, And you will achieve. you must give something to get something."
                                                       -Sindre Wiik

So start your preparation From Today Itself. 

Some of the best books that might assist you in preparation and  for delivering good performance  in ICET are as follows:

1. A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning Revised Edition; By Author: R.S. Aggarwal, Publisher: S.Chand Publishing.

2. Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations ; by author R.S.Aggarwal.

"Tomorrow Belongs to the People who prepare for it Today"
                                                      -Malcolm X

All the Best for your Future.......

That's the AP ICET 2014 Notification

Job vacancy opportunity for you AP ICET 2014 Notification , Good luck and don't forget to pray before sent your email! .

You're visiting vacancy page AP ICET 2014 Notification share this link to your friends https://jobaroundtheworld.blogspot.com/2014/01/ap-icet-2014-notification.html Hopefully the vacancy can be usefull for you.

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