SSC 2014 Combined Graduate Level Examination

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SSC 2014 Combined Graduate Level Examination

SSC 2014 Notification

ssc 2014
Staff Selection Commission inviting application for the Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2014 

Qualification as on 1st January,2014 :
i) Compiler : Bachelor's Degree from any recognized University with Economics or Statistics or Mathematics as compulsory or Elective subject. ii) Statistical Investigator Grade – II Bachelor's Degree with Statistics as one of the main subjects OR Bachelor's Degree with Mathematics ( with Statistics as a papers studied in one year/two years/all three years as the case may be) as one of the main subjects OR Bachelor's Degree with Economics ( with Statistics as a paper studied in one year/two years/all the three years as the case may be) as one of the main subjects OR Bachelor's Degree with Economics ( with Statistics as a paper studied in one year/two years/all the three years as the case may be) as one of the main subjects OR Bachelor's Degree with Commerce (with Statistics as a paper studied in one year/two years/all the three years as the case may be) as one of the main subjects Note-: “Statistics” means any branch of Statistics, applied or otherwise. iii) All other Posts: Bachelor's Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.

Posts for which Interview cum Personality Test is prescribed: Pay Band –II  Rs. 9300-34800 :
CodePost Ministries/Departments/ Offices/ CadreClassification Grade Pay (GP)
AAssistantCentral Secretariat ServiceGroup "B"Rs. 4600
BAssistantCentral Vigilance CommissionGroup "B" Rs. 4600
CAssistantIntelligence BureauGroup "B" Rs. 4600
DAssistantMinistry of RailwayGroup "B" Rs. 4600
EAssistantMinistry of External AffairsGroup "B" Rs. 4600
FAssistant (Cypher)Ministry of External AffairsGroup "B" Rs. 4600
GAssistantAFHQGroup "B" Rs. 4600
HAssistantOther Ministries/ Departments/ Organisations including AFHQGroup "B" Rs. 4600
I Assistant Other Ministries/ Departments/ Organisations Group “B”
Rs. 4200
J Inspector of IncomeTax
Group “C”
Rs. 4600
K Inspector, (Central Excise)CBECGroup “B”Rs. 4600
L Inspector (Preventive Officer)
M Inspector (Examiner)
N Assistant Enforcement Officer Directorate of Enforcement, Department of Revenue Group “C” Rs. 4600
OSub Inspectors Central Bureau of Investigation Group C” Rs. 4200
P Inspector of Posts Department of Post Group “B” Rs. 4200
Q Divisional Accountant Offices under CAG Group C” Rs. 4200
R Statistical InvestigatorGr.II M/Statistics & Prog Implementation. Group “B Rs. 4200
S Inspector Central Bureau of Narcotics Group “B” Rs. 4200
T Auditor Offices under C&AG Group C” Rs. 2800
U Auditor Offices under CGDA Group C” Rs. 2800
V Auditor Offices under CGA & others Group C” Rs. 2800
W Accountant/ Junior Accountant Offices under C&AG Group C” Rs. 2800
X Accountant/ Junior Accountant Offices under CGA & others Group C” Rs. 2800
Y Upper Division Clerk Central Govt. Offices/Ministries other than CSCS cadres. Group C” Rs. 2400
ZTax AssistantCBDT Group C” Rs. 2400
@Tax AssistantCBEC Group C” Rs. 2400
$ Compiler Registrar General of India Group “C” Rs. 2400
# Sub-Inspector Central Bureau of Narcotics Group “C” Rs. 2400

Age Limit for SSC 2014 as on 1st January,2014 (01.01.2014) :
Category of Posts
Age limit
Inspector of Income Tax/ Inspector (Central Excise)/ Inspector (Preventive Officer)/ Inspector (Examiner)/ Inspector of Posts/ Assistant Enforcement Officer/ Compiler/ Divisional Accountant/ Auditors/ UDCs /Tax Assistants/ Junior Accountant & Accountant18-27 years
Statistical Investigator Gr.IINot exceeding 26 years
Assistant/Sub Inspector in CBI20-27 years

Application Fee & Mode of Payment : Rs. 100 (One hundred only). All Women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Physically Handicapped, and Ex-Servicemen eligible for reservation are exempted from paying application fee, as per extant government orders. (i) For Paper or Off-Line Applications, candidates should pay the fee by means of "Central Recruitment Fee Stamps (CRFS)"only. .CRFS stamps are available at all Departmental Post Offices of the country. Recruitment Fee Stamps should be pasted on the application form in the space earmarked for the purpose and got cancelled at the Counter of Post Office of issue with the date stamp of the Issuing Post Office in such a manner that the impression or the cancellation stamps partially overflows on the Application Form itself, taking care at the same time that the impression is clear and distinct to facilitate the identification of date and Post Office of issue at any subsequent stage. After getting the Recruitment Fee Stamps cancelled from the Post Office, the candidate must submit their application to the concerned Regional Office/Sub Regional Offices of the Commission in the usual manner after completing other formalities. (ii) The candidates submitting their applications On-Line should pay the requisite fee only through State Bank of India Challan or on-line account with SBI. Challan form will be generated on-line (please also see Annexure-II B for instructions for filling on-line application. 

For the Post of Inspector : (i) Physical Standards (Male Candidate ): 
Height 157.5 cms., Chest 81 cms. (fully expanded with a minimum expanses of 5 cms.)Height relaxable by 5 cms. In the case of Garwalis, Assamese, Gorkhas and members of Scheduled Tribes.

ii) Physical Test : Walking : 1600 metres in 15 minutes., Cycling : 8 Kms. In 30 minutes.
Female Candidates :
i) Physical standards (Minimum) Height 152 cms. Weight 48 Kgs.Height relaxable by 2.5 cms. Weight by 2 Kgs. for Gorkhas, Garwalis, Assamese and Members of Scheduled Tribes
ii) Physical Test : Walking : 1 Km. in 20 minutes., Cycling : 3 Kms. in 25 minutes.

For the Post of Sub-Inspector in CBI :

a) Height : For men - 165 cms., For women - 150 cms., Height relaxable for Hillsmen and Tribals : 5 cms.

b) Chest : 76 cms. with expansion (There shall be no such requirement in case of female candidates)

c) Vision : Eye-sight (with or without glasses), Distant vision : 6/6 in one and 6/9 in the other eye., Near vision 0.6 in one eye and 0.8 in other eye.

Mode of Selection for SSC 2014: A. After the Written Examination and the Interview /Skill Test/Computer Proficiency Test/Document verification wherever applicable, the Commission will draw up the All India Merit List for each category of post for those candidates who have qualified as many candidates as are found by the Commission to have qualified in the Examination shall be recommended for appointment for each category of post up to the number of unreserved vacancies available, taking into consideration option for the posts.

How to apply for SSC 2014:

Candidates should submit applications online through official ssc website and should retain the registration number for future correspondence with the staff selection commission. They should not submit the print outs of the application to the staff selection commission.

The Last Date to apply for SSC 2014 Exam through Online: 12:02:2014 (5.00 PM) for Part I Registration

The last date to apply if you are apply through Part II Registration: 14:02:2014.

SSC 2014 Exam Date :  27:04:2014

For full details regarding the Examination Centres and Centre code, Address to sent the applications for SSC 2014 Please Refer this below job notification link:

That's the SSC 2014 Combined Graduate Level Examination

Job vacancy opportunity for you SSC 2014 Combined Graduate Level Examination, Good luck and don't forget to pray before sent your email! .

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