vro vra notification 2013

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vro vra notification 2013

vro vra notification
VRO VRA notification released by Andhra Pradesh State Government for filling of 1657 Village Revenue Officer(VRO) posts and 4305 Village Revenue Assistant(VRA) posts.

Eligible Criterial for VRO VRA:
class XII or intermediate for VRO posts 
10th class or SSC are for VRA posts.

VRO syllabus:
The model of written exam is objective type divided into 3 parts and consists of 100 Question (100 Marks).

Duration: 120 minutes (2 Hours)

Part I   - General Studies    (60 Questions - 60 Marks)
Part II  - Arithmetic         (30 Questions - 30 Marks)
Part III - Logical Reasoning  (10 Questions - 10 Marks)

Important Dates of VRO VRA Notification:
Job Notification Released : 28-12-2013.
Last Date for  Submission: 13-01-2014
Last Date for Payment :     12-01-2014
VRO VRA Exam Date :     02-02-2014. (February 2, 2014)

How to apply for VRO VRA:

For futher job information You can refer Here

Syllabus in English language is presented below:

I. General Studies for VRO VRA : 60 Marks

History: Modern World, the establishment of the British Rule in India, Revolts Against British rule, Changes in Economics and Social Sectors, Rise of Nationalism freedom Movement Ancient HIstory, Bronze Age History, Ancient Iron Age, Medieval History, India Cultural Heritage.

Geography: Physical Georgraphy, the solar system and the earth, the movements of the earth and their effects, Interior of the earth, Latitudes and Longitudes, Eclipses, Continents, India and Andhra Pradesh Geography. The Major National Regions of the World, Rivers, Climate, Floods, Droughts, Forests, Live Stocks, Soils, Electricity, Agriculture, Mineral Resources, Industries, Population, Transport and Communications, Seaports, Places of Interest, EarthQuakes, Volcanoes, the Oceans, The Major Natural Regions of the World, Climate of Andhra Pradesh, Crops, Rainfall.

Civics: Democracy, Socialism, Secularism, World Peace, Indian Constitution, Centre and State Governments, Local Self-Government, India as Nation, United Nation Orgnisation, Panchayati Raj Systems and its Duties.

Economics: Basic Economic Concepts, Basic Aspects of Production, Exchange, Problems of Distribution National Income, Macro and Micro Economic, Economic Development, Revenue and Expenditure, Budget, Money and Banking, Indian Economy, Plannings.

Physics: Our Universe, Measurements, Kinematics, Dynamics, Centre of Gravity and Stability of Bodies, Simple Machines and MOvements, Fluid Pressure, Heat, Sound, Light, Magnetism, Electricity.

Chemistry: Action of Heat On Substances, Symbols, Formulae and Equations. Types of Chemical Reactions, Laws of Chemical Combination, Periodic classifications of Elements, Alkaline Earth metals, Solutions, Acids, Bases Chemistry of Carbon Compouns, Carbohydrates and Proteins, Oil and Fats.

Biology: History and Scope of Science, Microbial World, Useful Plants and Animals, the Human Body and Health, Animal Husbandry, Experiments, Results, Life Processes, Control and Coordination, Reproduction HIV-AIDS, Organisation of Life, Life Processes, Natural Resources, World of Energy, Organisms, Health, Clean, Health Protection.

Current Affairs: Government Development Programmes, Education, Health, Population, Industrial Sector, Poverty, Inflation, Irrigation, Political Information, Acts, Amendments, Courts, Health, Environment, Information and Communicatin Technology, Water and Fuels, Sources, Local, National and International Issues.

II  Arithmetic for VRO VRA - 30 Marks

Divisibility Principles, Average, Time, Work, Height and Distance, Profit and Loss, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Percentage, Mensuration, Volumes, Areas.

III  Logical Skills for VRO VRA - 10 Marks

Coding and Decoding, Analogy, Relations, Number Series, Letter Series, Odd Man Out, Directions, Calender, NOn-Verbal Reasoning.

Tips for Preparing VRO VRA Exam:

1. Gather Study Material with respect to the syllabus provided and Try to update yourself with respect to current affairs and General Knowledge by regularly reading News Papers, watching News channels, researching from Internet through Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc,.

2. Make a Proper Notes of Important things for review. Follow Mind Map Techniques to take Notes which helps you to easily understand and remember each concept you prepared for.

3. Practice a lot. Concentrate more to achieve success. Follow the Model Papers to get proper idea about the exam pattern and questions that are asked.

"Success is the sum of small efforts, Repeated day in and day out."
                                                                                             -R Collier

4. For arithmatic and Reasoning Read R.S.Aggarwal Books.

5. Be Sincere and put forth your efforts in a proper way. Make use of the Resources available to the full extent with the time frame provided. Time Management plays a Crucial Role in Achieving Success. Think Positively. Have a Confidence and apetitie for Success.

"Don't be fooled by the Calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. One man gets only a week's value out of a year while another man gets a full year's value out of a week."
                                                                                                                                       -Charles Richards.

This article on VRO VRA presented by Veera

That's the vro vra notification 2013

Job vacancy opportunity for you vro vra notification 2013, Good luck and don't forget to pray before sent your email! .

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