Indian Overseas Bank Recruitment February 2014

Indian Overseas Bank Recruitment February 2014 - Guys! Job Vacancy For You, Check this job opportunity about Indian Overseas Bank Recruitment February 2014 here! Prepare your CV and sent your profile to this vacancy mail address on the end of this page! Good luck!

Job Tittle : Indian Overseas Bank Recruitment February 2014
Company : Indian Overseas Bank Recruitment February 2014

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Indian Overseas Bank Recruitment February 2014

Indian Overseas Bank - Probationary Officers  - Job Notification - February 2014 - Jammu & Kashmir (J&K)

Eligibility Criteria: Any Graduate

Job Location : Jammu & Kashmir-other

Last Date to apply for this Job: 21 Feb 2014

Advt No.: HRDD/RECT/01/2014

Indian Overseas Bank inviting Online Applications from unemployed young, qualified and eligible graduates from the State of Jammu & Kashmir (J&K)

Post NameQualification
as on 01.02.2014
Selection For
Training Programme
Recruitment After Completion of the  TrainingPay Scale
Probationary Officer In Scale -I
i) Graduation from a recognised University/Institution with minimum 60% Marks. (For Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PC category minimum 55% Marks). Graduation results should have been declared by theUniversity/ Institution on or before 01.02.2014. If the Graduation final semester (year) mark sheet/Consolidated Mark sheet/ Final Degree/ Provisional Degree Certificate submitted at the time of Interview does not have the date of declaration of the Graduation final results (which should be on or before 01.02.2014), candidates are required to obtain documentary proof from the University/Institute stating the date of declaration of the Graduation final results and submit the same at the time of Interview mandatorily.
Total: 50

OBC -14,
Total: 25
(03-SC,ST-02,OBC -07,
ClerkTotal: 50
Total: 25
ST-03,OBC -07,
7200- 19300

Note: This entire process is applicable only to the unemployed youth of Jammu & Kashmir, who fulfill all the eligibility criteria as on 01.02.2014. The candidates can apply for only one post i.e. either Probationary Officer or Clerk.Candidates are advised to enter only percentage of marks (calculated to the nearest two decimals) obtained in the Graduation in the online application form. Where no percentage of mark is awarded by the University, but only CGPA/ OGPA is awarded, candidates are advised to convert the same into percentage and enter only the percentage of marks. The fraction of percentage will be ignored and will NOT be rounded off to the next highest integer i.e. 59.99% will be treated as less than 60% and 54.99% will be treated as less than 55%.
Post Name 
Probation Period
Service Bond
Probationary Officer
In Scale -I
On appointment, candidates will be on probation for a period of two years (24 months of active service) from the date of joining
the services of the Bank as per the rules of the Bank
Candidates selected for
appointment will be required to execute a Financial Service Bond for rendering service for a minimum period of three (3) years. The amount of the Financial Service Bond presently is `1, 00,000/-
ClerkOn appointment, candidates will be on probation for a period of Six months (6 months of active service) from the date of joining the services of the Bank as per the rules of the Bank

Selection Process for Traning: (For Both Posts) 100 Candidates will be shortlisted initially for Training based on their performance in the Online/Offline Examination & Interview and/or any other methodology as decided by the Bank in co-ordination with National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and Govt, of Jammu & Kashmir. Duration of the residential training programme will be 03 months. On successful completion of the training, all the candidates will be awarded with a Certificate of training. After successful completion of the training programme, candidates will be selected for appointment in the Bank, based on the academic performance of the candidates in the 03 months residential training programme and/or Online/Offline Examination and/or Interview and/or any other methodology decided by the Bank.

Examination Centres :  The examination will be conducted online/offline in venues across many centres in J&K. Interview : Depending upon the number of vacancies, only those candidates who rank sufficiently high in the order of merit in Online/Offline Examination, as per the cut-off marks decided by the Bank will be called for the Interview. Interview Centres :  The interview will be held at different centres on different dates identified by the Bank across J & K. Interview Centre address, Date and time will be advised in the Interview call letters. 

Dates to Remember:

Opening Date For Online Registration                        06.02.2014

Closing Date For Online Registration                          21.02.2014

Download Of Call Letters
For Online/Offline Examination
(Tentative) AFTER                                                           18.03.2014

Tentative Date Of Online/Offline Examination            30.03.2014

Tentative Month Of Interview For Training                April-May 2014 

For more Information regarding this Job Notification please refer this Job Advertisement 

Apply Online Here 

That's the Indian Overseas Bank Recruitment February 2014

Job vacancy opportunity for you Indian Overseas Bank Recruitment February 2014, Good luck and don't forget to pray before sent your email! .

You're visiting vacancy page Indian Overseas Bank Recruitment February 2014 share this link to your friends Hopefully the vacancy can be usefull for you.

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