ISRO recruitment for Technical Assistant in Bangalore Sept 2014

ISRO recruitment for Technical Assistant in Bangalore Sept 2014 - Guys! Job Vacancy For You, Check this job opportunity about ISRO recruitment for Technical Assistant in Bangalore Sept 2014 here! Prepare your CV and sent your profile to this vacancy mail address on the end of this page! Good luck!

Job Tittle : ISRO recruitment for Technical Assistant in Bangalore Sept 2014
Company : ISRO recruitment for Technical Assistant in Bangalore Sept 2014

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ISRO recruitment for Technical Assistant in Bangalore Sept 2014

ISRO Recruitment - Technical Assistant - Bangalore

ISRO Recruitment 2014 Eligibility criteria: BA(Commerce), Certificate Course (ITI), BSc, Diploma(CSE, EEE, Mech)

Job Location : Bangalore

Category of the Job : Govt Jobs

Last Date to apply Indian Space Research Organisation(ISRO) Technical Assistant in Bangalore: 26 Sep 2014

Selection Process involves Written-Test and Face to Face Interview.

 Advertisement No: 02:2014

Name of the PostQualificationNo. of VacanciesSalary
Technical Assistant
TA-01Technical Assistant (Mechanical) First Class Diploma (minimum 3 years duration) in Mechanical Engineering from a recognizedState Board.SC-1,OBC-
TA-02Technical Assistant (Electronics)  First Class Diploma (minimum 3 years duration) in Electronics Engineering from a recognizedSC-1,OBC-1
TA-03Technical Assistant (Computer Science)  First Class Diploma (minimum 3 years duration) in Computer Science Engineering from a recognized State Board.ST-1
Nurse B
NS01Nurse B SSLC + 3 year Diploma in Nursing from a recognized State BoardUR-2Rs.
Laboratory Technician A
LT01Lab Technician A  Diploma in Lab Tech. from a recognized State
UR-1 Rs. 
Technician B
TE01Technician B(Electronic Mechanic)  SSLC/SSC/Matriculation + ITI in Electronics Mechanic Trade from NCVTSC-6,ST-
TE02Technician B(Fitter) SSLC/SSC/Matriculation + ITI in Fitter Trade from NCVTSC-2,ST-
TE03Technician B(Refrigeration and Airconditioning) SSLC/SSC/Matriculation + ITI in Refrigeration and Airconditioning Trade from NCVTOBC-1,UR-
TE04 Technician B(Wireman)  SSLC/SSC/Matriculation + ITI in Wireman Trade from NCVTSC-1,OBC-
TE05Technician B(Carpenter) SSLC/SSC/Matriculation + ITI in Carpenter Trade from NCVTOBC-1,UR-
TE06 Technician B(Plumber)  SSLC/SSC/Matriculation + ITI in Plumber Trade from NCVTSC-1,OBC-
TE07Technician B(Pump Operator cum Mechanic) SSLC/SSC/Matriculation + ITI in Pump Operator cum Mechanic Trade from NCVTUR-1
TE08Technician B(Electroplating) SSLC/SSC/Matriculation + ITI in Electroplating Trade from NCVTUR-1
TE09 Technician B(Motor Vehicle Mechanic)  SSLC/SSC/Matriculation + ITI in Motor Vehicle Mechanic Trade from NCVTUR-1
TE10Technician B(Photography)  SSLC/SSC/Matriculation + ITI in Photography Trade from NCVTUR-1
TE11Technician B(Turner)  SSLC/SSC/Matriculation + ITI in Turner Trade from NCVTUR-1,OBC-
TE12 Technician B(Grinder)  SSLC/SSC/Matriculation + ITI in Grinder Trade from NCVTUR-1
Draughtsman B
DM01Draughtsman B(Mechanical)  SSLC/SSC/Matriculation + ITI in Draugtsman Mechanical Trade from NCVTSC-2,OBC-
DC01Draughtsman B(Civil)  SSLC/SSC/Matriculation + ITI in Civil Trade from NCVTSC-1,OBC-
HT01 Hindi Typist 1. Graduation in Arts/Science/Commerce/Management/Computer Applications with First Class as declared by the University. and 2. The candidate should have studied Hindi as one of the Subjects at Matriculation/Degree Level or pass or either of these examination in Hindi medium And 3. Hindi typing speed @ 25 wpm on computer and 4. Knowledge in the use of computers 5. Knowledge in English Typewriting (Desirable Qualification)UR-1

Age Limit : For all posts except Post No.HT01 (Hindi Typist) & FM01 (Fireman - A): 18 -35 years as on 26.09.2014 (40 years for SC/ST candidates & 38 years for OBC candidates). Ex-servicemen and Persons with Disabilities(PWD) are eligible for age relaxation as per Govt. of India orders. For the post of Post No.HT01 (Hindi Typist): 18 - 26 years as on 26.09.2014.(31 years for SC/ST candidates & 29 years for OBC Candidates). Ex-servicemen and Persons with Disabilities are eligible for age relaxation as per rules. For the post of Post No.FM01 (Fireman A): 18 - 25 years as on 26.09.2014 (30 years for SC/ST candidates & 28 years for OBC candidates). Ex-servicemen and Persons with Disabilities are eligible for age relaxation as per rules.

Application Fee :  of RS.100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) (non-refundable) for each application for male candidates belonging to Unreserved (Ur) And Other Backward Classes (Obc). The candidate before filing his/her application has to take a DD for Rs.100/- from any of the Nationalized Bank in favour of the Accounts Officer, ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore, payable at Bangalore. The applicant should enter the DD Number, date and name of the Bank in the space provided for the same in the web application. After filing the online application, the applicant has to send the DD with his/her Full Name (as entered in the web application), Post Number and Registration No. written on the reverse of the DD to Sr. Administrative Officer (RMT), ISRO Satellite Centre, Old Airport Road, Vimanapura Post, Bangalore -560 017 by ordinary post superscribing "Recruitment To The Post Of  (Post Name (Post No.)]" on the envelope within 10 days of filing of application and in any case not later than 06.10.2014. Please note that the applications of male candidates (UR and OBC), in respect of which Application Fee has not been received, will not be considered.

Selection Process : The qualification prescribed is the minimum requirement and possession of the same does not automatically make the candidates eligible to be called for interview. There will be an initial screening based on the academic performance and other parameters given in the on-line applications and only those screened-in will be called for interview.

For more information on how to apply for this Job please refer the ISRO Job notification .

That's the ISRO recruitment for Technical Assistant in Bangalore Sept 2014

Job vacancy opportunity for you ISRO recruitment for Technical Assistant in Bangalore Sept 2014, Good luck and don't forget to pray before sent your email! .

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