By Travelling around the world Monday, September 12, 2016 Education Exam preparation Job Interview Market Yourself Resume Preparation Resume Writing Resume Preparation tips, Formats and types for Job Interview Resume Definition : Basic Job Search Principle = Market Yourself! A Good Resume which is also Employer screening tool is essential for a ser...
By Travelling around the world Thursday, March 19, 2015 Education Job Interview Resume Writing Job Interview Success Strategies and Tips "Interview is the measuring rod of a "person's knowledge, personality and power of expression through face to face contact...
By Travelling around the world Sunday, December 28, 2014 Brain Storming Education Exam preparation How to Create Mind Map Tips to improve Soft Skills Mind Map Techniques, free toools and guideliness by Tony Buzan Mind Map is a graphical method that makes use of keywords, symbols and pictures to associate and link list of free ideas to take notes in a...
By Travelling around the world Wednesday, December 10, 2014 Education Exam preparation Study Skills Exam Tips at a Glance for Sucess Tips to prepare for Exam or test taking strategies:- An examination or exam is a test conducted to test your knowledge or skills to see ho...
By Travelling around the world Monday, January 20, 2014 Best Employers in India Education Best employers in india 2013 Hewitt first began the "Best Employers' Study in Asia Pacific in 2001. The Best Employers 2.0 study, the newly designed model for d...
By Travelling around the world Thursday, December 26, 2013 Education Thinking Hats Edward de bono six thinking hats Six Thinking Hats by Edward de Bono: Each thinking Hat has its own and different style of thinking which are explained below: 1. White Hat ...
By Travelling around the world Wednesday, December 25, 2013 Cornell Notes Education Mind Map Note Taking Cornell Note Taking System by Walter Pauk for better understanding Cornell notes by Walter Pauk: Cornell Note Taking Method or Cornell Notes is developed in the 1950s by Walter Pauk , an education prof...
By Travelling around the world Sunday, December 15, 2013 Education Public Speaking skills Success Tips to improve Communication skills Tips to improve Soft Skills Tips for Public Speaking quotes Definition of Public Speaking: It is the Process of speaking to a group of people. The main objective is transmitting information or messag...