Indian Army Recruitment for Technical Graduate Course

Indian Army Recruitment for Technical Graduate Course - Guys! Job Vacancy For You, Check this job opportunity about Indian Army Recruitment for Technical Graduate Course here! Prepare your CV and sent your profile to this vacancy mail address on the end of this page! Good luck!

Job Tittle : Indian Army Recruitment for Technical Graduate Course
Company : Indian Army Recruitment for Technical Graduate Course

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Indian Army Recruitment for Technical Graduate Course

Indian Army Recruitment for Technical Graduate Course

Eligibility Criteria: M.Com, MA(Economics, English), MCA, MBA/PGDM, BE/B.Tech(Aero, Auto, Civil, CSE, EEE, ECE, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical), MSc(Botany / Agricultural Botany, Chemistry, Mathematics / Applied Mathematics, Physics)

Job Location : Anywhere in India

Last Date to Apply for this Job: 18 Jun 2014

Indian Army 120th Technical Graduate Course 2015:

Applications are invited from Male  Engineering Graduates from recognised University including temporary Central/State Govt. servants, serving personnel of the regular Army and Territorial Army (including officers of Territorial Army) and serving personnel of Navy and Air Force for grant of permanent commission in the Indian Army.

DisciplineEquivalent Stream (AICTE Appd)No.of Vacancies
CivilCivil Engg. Civil Engg(Structural Engg)15
MechanicalMechanical Engg, Mechanical (Mechatronics) Engg., Mechanical & Automation Engg.10
Electrical/Electrical & ElectronicsElectrical Engg. Electrical Engg. (Electronics & Power), Power System Engg., Electrical & Electronics Engg.05
Automobile/Workshop TechnologyAutomobile Engg.01
Aeronautical/Aviation/Aerospace/Ballistics/AvionicsAeronautical Engg.01
Computer Sc & Engg/Computer Technology/Info Tech / M.Sc Computer ScComputer Engg. Computer Science, Computer Science Engg. Computer Science & Engg. Information Science & Engg.05
Electronics & Telecom/ Telecommunication/ Electronics & Comn/Satellite CommunicationElectronics &  Telecommunication Engg. Telecommunication Engg, Electronics &  communication Engg. Electronics & Electrical Communication Engg.08
Electronics/Opto Electronics/Fibre Optics/Micro Electronics & MicrowavePower Electronics & Drives05
Electronics & Instrumentation/ InstrumentationApplied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg. Electronics & Instrumentation Engg. Electronics & Instrumentation Control Engg, Instrumentation Technology02
Architecture/Building Construction TechnologyArchitecture Engg.02
Food Tech/Bio Tech/Bio Medical EnggBio Technology, Medical Electronics02
Chemical Engg---01
Metallurgy & Explosives/Metallurgical EnggMetallurgical Engg., Metallurgy & Material Technology, Metallurgy & Material Engg. Metallurgy & Engg. & Material Science, Metallurgy and Explosives01
Industrial/Manufacturing Engg/Industrial Engg & Mgt/ProductionIndustrial Engg. Industrial Engg &Management, Industrial & Production Engg, Industrial Engg & Mgt, Industrial/ Manufacturing02
For Army Education Corps
MA in English/ Economics/ History/ Geography/ Pol. Science/ Philosophy/ Psychology/ Sociology/ Public Administration/ International Relation/ International Studies---10
M.Sc in Physics/ Chemistry/ Maths/ Statistics/ Botany/ Geology Nano Science/ Electronics M.Com/ MCA/ MBA---06
Foreign language (MA in Chinese/ Tibetan/ Burmese/Pushto/ Dari & Arabic---04

Educational Qualification: (i) For Engineers. Candidates studying in the Final Year of Engineering Degree and who are qualified graduates of the Degree Course in Engineering will be eligible to apply. The qualified graduates of the Degree Course must possess Engineering Degree at the time of joining training. The candidates studying in the final year of Degree Course, if not already in possession of the Degree Certificate should be able to produce the Engineering Degree within 12 weeks from the date of commencement of training at IMA. Such candidates will be inducted for training at IMA on Additional Bond Basis for recovery of the cost of training as notified from time to time as well as stipend and pay & allowances paid, in case they fail to produce the requisite degree certificate. Important Note : Candidates must note that the minimum educational qualification for induction into TGC - 120 course is BE/B.Tech degree in the engineering stream notified in Para (1) above. Therefore, to become eligible for induction into TGC - 120 course, candidates studying in final year of engineering must complete all the formlities including viva voce etc for award of qualifying BE/B.Tech degree before commencement of course, failing which their candidature is liable to be cancelled. (ii) For Army Education Corps. MA/M.Sc Degree in 1st or 2nd division from a university recognized by AIU in English/Economics/history/Geography/Pol Science/Psycology/ Physics/Chemistry/Maths/Compurter Science/Chinese/Tibetan/Burmese/Pushto/Dari/ Arabic. Final year appearing candidates are not eligible for Army Education Corps (AEC).

Stipend : Rs. 21,000

Age Limit : (i) For Engineering Graduates -20 to 27 yrs . (ii) For AEC - 23 to 27 yrs.

Method of Selection :(a) Shortlisting of Applications and SSB Interviews: Integrated HQ of MoD (Army) reserves the right to shorlist applications and to fix cutoff percentage of marks without assigning any reason. Initial checking of applications will be done at Directorate General Recruiting, Army HQs. Only shorlisted eligible candidates depending on aggregate percentage of marks scored will be called for and assessed under aegis of Selection Centres, namely Allahabad (UP), Bhopal (MP) and Bangalore (Karnataka) by Psychologist, Group Testing Officer and Interviewing Officer. Candidates will not be interviewed locally. Allotment of Selection Centre is at the discretion of Army Headquarters and no requests of changes are entertained in this regard.

Registration for Online application will open on 19th May 2014 and will be closed on 18th June 2014. 

For futher information regarding this Technical Graduate Course - Indian Army Recruitment;

please refer this Indian Army website:

That's the Indian Army Recruitment for Technical Graduate Course

Job vacancy opportunity for you Indian Army Recruitment for Technical Graduate Course, Good luck and don't forget to pray before sent your email! .

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